You are the person who's the most responsible for your skills and development. You should also be equally proud of the craft of writing… Writing is a highly underestimated skill for engineers.” – Urs Hölzle (Google’s first VP of Engineering) Teach and Write as Much as Possible “What many people underestimate is that being a good writer, whether that is through emails or through documents, allows you to be more impactful. If you are new to programming, I think this is a great thing to read first. Here are four actionable steps I have used myself, or seen others use to succeed in improving their skills. They are an order-of-magnitude better, measured by whatever standard: conceptual creativity, speed, ingenuity of design, or problem-solving ability.' – Randall E. But how does anyone become so talented? 'The best programmers are not marginally better than merely good ones. These are engineers who are supposedly 10 times better at their job than their peers. The Software industry is obsessed with the idea of 10x engineers. But how you can actually improve is a tricky question to answer. Be the best developer you can possibly be. As a developer, you probably want to improve your skills constantly.